IAC with Terraform & Packer Course Details

Course Information:

  1. Total Duration 120 days (150 hrs.)
  2. Live and hands-on Training on Each Concept
  3. Covers Basics to Advanced level with App Development
  4. Daily videos, Files, and Slides Sharing for Practice - Lifetime Access - Class Timings 8hr/week - Monday - Sunday
  5. Fees: 10000 INR
  6. Call / Whatsapp: +91-9147008025
  7. Website: https://marvlbyte.com/
  8. Email id: admin@marvlbyte.com


Visit https://docs.marvlbyte.com/courses-we-offer/ for registration

Why this course?

Provisioning infrastructure has historically been a time-consuming and costly manual process. Infrastructure as Code (IaC) can help your organization manage IT infrastructure needs while also improving consistency and reducing errors and manual configuration.

Who this course is for:

  1. Cloud Developers, Automation Engineers, Infrastructure Developers, Database Engineers, Cloud Admins etc.
  2. Anyone who wants to understand and work on Infrastructure as Code.
  3. Engineers and Consultants who want a ready reference to Terraform Code Repository with examples.

Course Learning Plan:

Module 1: Introduction to Infrastructure as Code(IAC)

  1. Terraform and AWS Basics
  2. Introduction to Infrastructure as Code and Terraform
  3. Getting Started with AWS-Signup and Setting up IAM Credentials - Terraform Installation
  4. Terraform Syntax & Writing Infrastructure as Code Script
  5. Using Terraform CLI and Terraform Console
  6. Terraform file structure

Module 2: Building AWS Infrastructure

  1. Bastion Host, Web Server, VPC, Modules etc.
  2. Setting up Bastion Host
  3. EC2 Instance with Security Groups
  4. Installing Terraform Packer on Centos System using Script
  5. Setting Up Nginx Web Server using Terraform, User-data- Single Instance
  6. Terraform Backends - Introduction to Remote States
  7. Creating Custom VPC using Terraform Registry
  8. Adding Monitoring ( Cloudtrail, VPC Flow Logs, etc) and Building ELB ( Elastic Load Balancer ) to Custom VPC

Module 3: Building Databases using Terraform - AWS RDS - Mysql using Terraform

Module 4:

  1. Managing AWS IAM Users, Groups, and Roles Using Terraform - Creating and Attaching IAM Role for EC2 Instance
  2. Creating IAM Groups and users using Terraform

Module 5: Using Terraform and Packer for building Custom AMIs

  1. Packer - Builders
  2. Packer -Provisioner
  3. Packer Templates

Module 6: Automating Vault and Consul Cluster using Terraform - Vault and Consul Architecture

  1. Introduction - Packer and Terraform Scripts for Vault and Consul
  2. Live Demo - Vault Unseal and Consul UI
  3. Checking the status of Consul and Vault Clusters

Module 7: Automate Kubernetes Cluster using Terraform

  1. Kubernetes Introduction, Kubernetes Cluster Architecture, - AWS EKS Automation
  2. Terraform Source Code
  3. Connecting to Terraform EKS Cluster

Module 8: Terraform Cloud

Certification as Trainee : On successful completion of the training and the assigned project work, students get certified as Trainee from Marvlbyte.