How to Accociate a floating IP with a Virtual machine on Marvlbyte cloud

Indian cloud service provider, marvlbyte, Bengal Startup

Once the VM is created, navigate via the More button at the right of the instance as shown below

Indian cloud service provider, marvlbyte, Bengal, Startup

From more->Related Resources->Accociate Floating IP

However, Before that one needs to create a floating IP. To create a floating IP, Navigate from Network->Floating IP on the side panel and click on the Allocate IP button, which will open up a dialog as shown below

Indian cloud service provider, marvlbyte, Bengal, Startup

On this dialog window, select Network and Owned Subnet. DO NOT input any Floating IP Address or select Batch Allocate and click OK. This will create a floating IP. Once created, you should now be able to associate it with a VM following the steps mentioned earlier.